Each year young people in our community participate in a “Be Nice”
campaign spearheaded by a mental health organization. In one of the events in
2012, 6,000 students spelled out the words BE NICE with their bodies on their
schools’ sports fields. One principal said, “We want students to come to school
and learn without the distraction of fear or sadness or uneasiness around their
peers. We are working hard to make sure students are lifting each other up,
rather than tearing each other down.”
Paul desired that the people in the church at Rome would have an even
higher standard of love. Both the strong and weak in the faith were judging and
showing contempt for each other (Rom. 14:1-12). They despised one another as
they argued about what foods were permissible to eat (vv.2-3) and what holidays
they should observe (vv.5-6). Paul challenged them: “Let us pursue the things
which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another” (v.19). He
reminded them that their hearts should be concerned with pleasing others, not
pleasing themselves. He said, “Even Christ did not please Himself” (15:3); He