In some cultures, the title below your name on your business card is
very important. It identifies your rank. The way you are treated depends on your
title as compared with others around you.
If Paul had a business card, it would have identified him as an
“apostle” (1 Tim. 1:1),
meaning “sent one.” He used this title not out of pride but out of wonder. He
didn’t earn that position; it was “by the commandment of God our Savior and the
Lord Jesus Christ.” In other words, his was not a human but a divine
Paul had formerly been a “blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man”
(v.13). He said that he considered himself to be the “chief” of sinners (v.15).
But because of God’s mercy, he was now an apostle, one to whom “the King
eternal” (v.17) had committed the glorious gospel and whom He had sent out to
share that gospel.
What is more amazing is that like the apostle Paul we are all sent out
by the King of kings to the world (Matt.
28:18-20; Acts 1:8). Let’s recognize with humility that we don’t deserve
such a commission either. It is our privilege to represent Him and His eternal
truth in word and indeed each day to all around us.