Is it possible that technological advances in communication have left us
unable to confront people properly? After all, employers can now send layoff
notices via e-mail. And people can criticize others on Facebook and Twitter
instead of talking face to face. Perhaps it might be better to put all that
aside and emulate how Paul communicated with Peter when they had a
Paul had to confront Peter for compromising grace (Gal. 2:11-16). Peter
had been fellowshiping with Gentiles, but when the Judaizers arrived (who
believed that sinners are saved through Jesus plus keeping the law of Moses),
Peter separated himself from the Gentiles. He ostracized them while professing
to be one with them. Seeing this hypocrisy, Paul, in love and with passion,
confronted Peter face to face for cowering to a legalistic system that was
powerless to change lives. He vigorously reminded Peter that grace leads to
freedom from sin’s slavery and to obedience to God.
Having courageous conversations with fellow Christians can be difficult,
but they will promote purity and unity. We can carry out our responsibility to
one another to speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15) by walking in the power of
the Holy Spirit.

A well-chosen word can speak volumes. (RBC)