Jean Driscoll is a remarkable athlete. She has won the Boston Marathon
eight times. She has also participated in four Paralympic Games and won five
gold medals. Born with spina bifida, Jean competes in a wheelchair.
One of Driscoll’s favorite Bible verses is Daniel 7:9, “The Ancient of
Days was seated . . . . His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning
fire.” Seeing a connection between Daniel’s vision of God and her own
situation, she is able to pass along words of encouragement to others. “Anytime
I’ve had an opportunity to talk with people who use wheelchairs and feel bad
about being in a chair, I tell them, ‘Not only are you made in the image of
God, but your wheelchair is made in the image of His throne!’”
Daniel’s vision, of course, doesn’t portray God as being impaired in
motion. In fact, some see God’s “wheelchair” as a symbol of a just God
sovereignly moving within human affairs. Other passages speak of God’s
providence providing help to those who believe (Prov. 3:25-26; Matt. 20:29-34;
Eph. 1:11).
Jean Driscoll’s faith in God has helped her triumph over personal
challenges. We too can be confident that the high and holy One is near and
ready to help us if only we ask (Ps. 46).

With God behind you and His arms beneath you, you can face whatever lies ahead of you. —Ward (RBC)