I find it
fascinating to consider the pull of the moon on our great oceans, which creates
high and low tides. At the changing of the tide, there is a brief period of
time called “slack tide” when the water is neither high nor low. According to
scientists, this is when the water is “unstressed.” It is a quiet pause before
the surging of tidal flow begins again.
in our busy schedules we may feel pulled in different directions by competing
responsibilities. In Jesus’ ministry, we see how He understood the demands made
on His followers and the need for rest. Returning from a traveling ministry in
teams of two, the Twelve reported the wonderful things that God had done
through them (Mark 6:7-13,30). But Jesus responded: “‘Come aside by yourselves
to a deserted place and rest a while.’ For there were many coming and going,
and they did not even have time to eat. So they departed to a deserted place in
the boat by themselves” (vv.31-32).
What responsibilities are pulling on you today? It is certainly acceptable to plan some rest and relaxation time to rejuvenate your body and soul for more fruitful service to others. Jesus advised it, and we all need it. He will meet you there.