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A maioria de nós já quis algo tão avidamente que, mesmo sabendo que era errado, nos lançamos nesta busca de qualquer maneira. Mais tarde, sentimos culpa pela teimosia espiritual e estupidez. Ao desobedecermos a Deus deliberadamente, podemos irar-nos com nós mesmos, sermos entorpecidos pelo remorso ou entregues às consequências de nosso erro tolo. Mas há outra escolha.
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.
Quando o povo de Israel insistiu em ter um rei, apesar dos avisos do profeta Samuel (1 Samuel 8:4-9), Deus permitiu que acontecesse como eles desejavam. Porém, quando perceberam os resultados trágicos de sua escolha, pediram a ajuda e as orações de Samuel (12:19). Samuel disse ao povo: “…Não temais; tendes cometido todo este mal; no entanto, não vos desvieis de seguir o Senhor, mas servi ao Senhor de todo o vosso coração” (12:20).
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.
Não podemos desfazer o dia de ontem, mas podemos agir hoje de modo a influenciarmos o amanhã. Samuel prometeu orar por eles e ensinar-lhes o caminho certo, e frisou: “Tão-somente, pois, temei ao Senhor e servi-o fielmente de todo o vosso coração; pois vede quão grandiosas coisas vos fez” (1 Samuel 12:24).
Deus nos convida a servi-lo hoje, e a reconhermos humildemente Seu perdão e Sua fidelidade.
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.
Não permita que os fracassos de ontem arruínem os esforços de amanhã. (RBC)
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.


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Most of us have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway. Later we have felt sorrow for our spiritual stubbornness and stupidity. In the aftermath of willfully disobeying God, we may become angry with ourselves, numbed by regret, or resigned to the consequences of our foolish mistake. But there is another choice.
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.
When the people of Israel insisted on having a king despite the warnings of Samuel the prophet (1 Sam. 8:4-9), God allowed them to have their way. But when they realized the tragic results of their choice, they asked for Samuel’s help and prayers (12:19). Samuel told the people, “Do not fear. You have done all this wickedness; yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart” (12:20).
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.
We can’t undo yesterday, but we can act today to influence tomorrow. Samuel promised to pray for them and teach them the right way. He urged them, “Only fear the Lord, and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you” (v.24).
God invites us to serve Him today, humbly acknowledging His forgiveness and His faithfulness.
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.
Don’t let yesterday’s failures bankrupt tomorrow’s efforts. (RBC)
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.


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Casi todos nosotros hemos querido tanto alguna cosa que, aunque sabíamos que estaba mal, no paramos hasta conseguirla. Después, nos sentimos apenados por nuestra tozudez espiritual y estupidez. Como consecuencia de haber desobedecido voluntariamente a Dios, podemos enojarnos con nosotros mismos, insensibilizarnos a causa de la culpa o resignarnos a padecer los resultados de nuestra necia equivocación. Sin embargo, hay otra opción.
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.
Cuando los integrantes del pueblo de Israel insistían en tener un rey, a pesar de las advertencias del profeta Samuel (1 Samuel 8:4-9), Dios les permitió hacer lo que querían. Pero, cuando se dieron cuenta de los trágicos resultados de su decisión, le pidieron a Samuel que los ayudara y que orara por ellos (12:19). El profeta le dijo al pueblo: «No temáis; vosotros habéis hecho todo este mal; pero con todo eso no os apartéis de en pos de Jehová, sino servidle con todo vuestro corazón» (12:20).
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.
No podemos desandar el ayer, pero sí actuar hoy para cambiar el mañana. Samuel prometió orar por ellos y enseñarles la manera correcta de proceder. Los instó a hacer lo siguiente: «Solamente temed a Jehová y servidle de verdad con todo vuestro corazón, pues considerad cuán grandes cosas ha hecho por vosotros» (v. 24).
Dios nos invita a servirlo hoy y a reconocer con humildad Su perdón y Su fidelidad.
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.

Que los fracasos del ayer no destruyan los esfuerzos del mañana. (RBC)
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.


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Il nous est arrivé à tous de vouloir quelque chose au point de chercher à l’obtenir à tout prix même si nous savions avoir tort. Par la suite, nous avons regretté notre entêtement spirituel et notre stupidité. Après avoir délibérément désobéi à Dieu, il se peut que nous nous en voulions, que nous soyons pris de remords ou que nous nous résignions à subir les conséquences de notre erreur insensée. Par contre, il existe une autre possibilité.
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.
Lorsque les Israélites ont insisté pour avoir un roi en dépit des avertissements du prophète Samuel (1 S 8.4-9), Dieu leur a donné gain de cause. Cependant, lorsqu’ils ont pris conscience des résultats tragiques de leur choix, ils ont demandé l’aide et les prières de Samuel (12.19). Samuel leur a alors répondu : « N’ayez point de crainte ! Vous avez fait tout ce mal ; mais ne vous détournez pas de l’Éternel, et servez l’Éternel de tout votre coeur » (12.20).
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.
Nous ne pouvons rien changer à hier, mais nous pouvons agir aujourd’hui de manière à influencer demain. Samuel a promis de prier pour eux et de leur enseigner la voie à suivre. Il les a exhortés ainsi : « Craignez seulement l’Éternel, et servez-le fidèlement de tout votre coeur ; car voyez quelle puissance il déploie parmi vous » (v. 24).
Dieu nous invite à le servir aujourd’hui, en reconnaissant avec humilité son pardon et sa fidélité.
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.
Ne laissez pas les échecs d’hier miner les efforts de demain. (RBC)
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.


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Wer wollte wohl nicht schon einmal etwas haben, von dem er genau wusste, dass es falsch war. Trotzdem ließen wir nicht locker. Später haben wir bereut, dass wir innerlich so dumm und dickköpfig waren. Wenn wir Gott bewusst ungehorsam waren, werden wir vielleicht wütend auf uns selbst, sind voller Schuldgefühle oder tragen resigniert die Konsequenzen dieses dummen Fehlers. Aber wir haben noch eine andere Möglichkeit.
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.
Als das Volk Israel trotz der Warnungen des Propheten Samuel darauf beharrte, einen König zu bekommen (1. Sam. 8,4-9), gewährte Gott ihnen schließlich ihren Willen. Als sie die tragischen Folgen ihrer Entscheidung erkannten, baten sie Samuel um seine Hilfe und Gebete (12,19). Samuel sagte dem Volk: „Fürchtet euch nicht! Ihr habt zwar all das Unrecht getan, doch weicht nicht vom Herrn ab, sondern dient dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen“ (12,20).
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.
Wir können nicht ungeschehen machen, was gestern war. Aber wir können heute im Blick auf morgen handeln. Samuel versprach, für das Volk zu beten und es den rechten Weg zu lehren, und mahnte: „Nur fürchtet den Herrn und dient ihm treu von ganzem Herzen; denn seht doch, wie große Dinge er an euch getan hat“ (V.24).
Gott lädt uns ein, ihm heute zu dienen und seine Vergebung und Treue in Demut anzunehmen.
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.
Lass dich durch vergangene Fehler nicht darin beirren, es in der Zukunft besser zu machen. (RBC)
Resultado de imagem para have wanted something so badly that even though we knew it was wrong, we plunged after it anyway.


Resultado de imagem para john wayne
John Wayne, famoso ator americano e ícone de filmes, disse certa vez: “Fale baixo, devagar e pouco.” Esse conselho, para mim, é difícil de seguir já que falo muito rápido e nem sempre falo com calma ou controlo minhas palavras. No entanto, essa ideia de controlar nossa fala pode ser uma ferramenta útil quando lidamos com a raiva. A Bíblia diz que devemos ser “…tardios para falar” (Tiago 1:19), e que “A resposta branda desvia o furor…” (Provérbios 15:1).
Resultado de imagem para john wayne
Gideão respondeu brandamente durante uma briga verbal com alguns companheiros israelitas (Juízes 8). Logo após seu exército ter derrotado os midianitas, um grupo de seus compatriotas o criticou severamente (v.1). Estavam ofendidos por não terem participado da parte principal da batalha. Gideão não lhes respondeu com grosseria. Antes, lembrou-os de que haviam capturado e matado os príncipes midianitas e também os honrou ao perguntar, “…que pude eu fazer comparável com o que fizestes?…” Finalmente, “…abrandou-se-lhes a ira para com ele” (Provérbios 15:3).
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Com a ajuda de Deus, podemos neutralizar situações tensas, controlando nossas palavras. Responder gentil e cuidadosamente às pessoas iradas pode promover a unidade.
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Morda sua língua antes que ela morda os outros. (RBC)


Resultado de imagem para john wayne
John Wayne, famous American actor and film icon, once said, “Talk low, talk slow, and don’t say too much.” His advice is hard for me to follow since I’m a fast talker and I don’t always speak quietly or limit my words. However, this idea of controlling our speech can be a useful tool when dealing with anger. The Bible says we are supposed to be “slow to speak” (James 1:19), and that “a soft answer turns away wrath” (Prov. 15:1).
Resultado de imagem para john wayne
Gideon gave a soft answer during a verbal scuffle with some fellow Israelites (Judg. 8). Just after his army defeated the Midianites, a group of his countrymen criticized him sharply (v.1). They were miffed because they missed out on the main part of the battle. Gideon did not fling back a rough response. Instead, he reminded them that they had captured and killed the Midianite princes. He also honored the men by asking, “What was I able to do in comparison with you?” Finally, “their anger toward him subsided when he said that” (v.3).
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With the Lord’s help, we can defuse heated situations by reining in our words. Responding gently and carefully to angry people can promote unity.
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Bite your tongue before your tongue bites others. (RBC)
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Resultado de imagem para john wayne
John Wayne, un famoso actor norteamericano e ícono cinematográfico, dijo una vez: «Habla suave, habla despacio y no digas demasiado». A mí me cuesta seguir su consejo porque hablo rápido y no siempre lo hago con suavidad ni limito mis palabras. Sin embargo, esta idea de controlar nuestro lenguaje puede ser una herramienta útil cuando se trata del enojo. La Biblia dice que uno debe ser «tardo para hablar» (Santiago 1:19), y que «la blanda respuesta quita la ira» (Proverbios 15:1).
Resultado de imagem para john wayne
Gedeón respondió con suavidad durante un enfrentamiento verbal con algunos israelitas (Jueces 8). Después que su ejército derrotó a los madianitas, un grupo de conciudadanos lo criticó duramente (v. 1). Estaban ofendidos porque no habían participado en la parte más importante de la batalla. Gedeón no reaccionó con una respuesta áspera, sino que les recordó que habían capturado y asesinado a los príncipes de Madián. También honró a los hombres preguntándoles: «¿… qué he podido yo hacer comparado con vosotros?». Finalmente, «el enojo de ellos contra él se aplacó, luego que él habló esta palabra» (v. 3).
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Con la ayuda del Señor, podemos aplacar las situaciones caldeadas si controlamos nuestras palabras. Responder con amabilidad y delicadeza a las personas enojadas puede fomentar la unidad.
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Muérdete la lengua antes de que esta despedace a los demás. (RBC)
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Resultado de imagem para john wayne
John Wayne, célèbre acteur et icône du cinéma américain, a dit un jour : « Parle tout bas, parle lentement, et n’en dis pas trop. » Je trouve son conseil difficile à suivre, car je parle vite et pas toujours à voix basse en limitant mes mots. Par contre, l’idée de maîtriser notre langue peut se révéler être un outil utile en situation de colère. La Bible dit que l’on est censé être « lent à parler »
(Ja 1.19) et : « Une réponse douce calme la fureur » (Pr 15.1).
Resultado de imagem para john wayne
Gédéon a donné une réponse douce lors d’une altercation avec quelques compatriotes israélites (Jg 8). Juste après que son armée a vaincu les Madianites, un groupe de ses compatriotes l’ont critiqué durement (v. 1). Ils n’avaient pas aimé manquer le plus fort de la bataille. Gédéon ne leur a toutefois pas répondu durement. Il leur a plutôt rappelé qu’ils avaient capturé et tué les princes de Madian. Il leur a également fait honneur en leur demandant : « Qu’ai-je donc pu faire en comparaison de vous ? » Finalement, « leur colère contre lui s’apaisa » (v. 3).
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Avec l’aide du Seigneur, nous pouvons désamorcer les situations enflammées en maîtrisant nos propos. Répondre avec douceur et prudence à des gens en colère peut avoir pour effet de promouvoir l’unité.
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Mordez-vous la langue avant que celle-ci ne morde les autres. (RBC)
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Resultado de imagem para john wayne
John Wayne, der berühmte amerikanische Filmschauspieler, sagte einmal: „Sprich leise, sprich langsam und sprich nicht zu viel.“ Mir selbst fällt es schwer, seinen Ratschlag zu befolgen, da ich eine Schnellsprecherin bin und auch nicht immer leise rede oder meine Worte beschränke. Der Tipp, auf unser Reden zu achten, kann aber gerade im Umgang mit dem Zorn sehr nützlich sein. Die Bibel sagt, wir sollten „langsam zum Reden“ sein (Jak. 1,19), und „eine linde Antwort stillt den Zorn“ (Spr. 15,1).
Resultado de imagem para john wayne
Gideon gab bei einer Auseinandersetzung mit ein paar Landsleuten eine linde Antwort (Ri. 8). Kurz nachdem sein Heer die Midianiter geschlagen hatte, wurde er von einer Gruppe seiner Männer scharf kritisiert (V.1). Sie waren verstimmt, weil sie den wichtigsten Teil der Schlacht verpasst hatten. Gideon gab ihnen nicht mit gleicher Münze zurück. Stattdessen hielt er ihnen vor Augen, dass sie ja die Fürsten der Midianiter gefangen und getötet hatten. Mit der Frage: „Was hab ich jetzt getan, das eurer Tat gleich sei?“ zeigte er seine Wertschätzung. Und schließlich „ließ ihr Zorn von ihm ab“ (V.3).
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Mit Gottes Hilfe können wir kritische Situationen entschärfen, indem wir unsere Zunge im Zaum halten. Wenn wir auf den Ärger anderer Leute freundlich und rücksichtsvoll reagieren, fördern wir die Einigkeit — zur Ehre Gottes.
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Beiß dir auf die Zunge, bevor deine Zunge andere beißt. (RBC)
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Resultado de imagem para When the Pharisees came to Jesus with the woman caught in adultery and asked Him what should be done with her
When the Pharisees came to Jesus with the woman caught in adultery and asked Him what should be done with her, He knelt for a moment and scribbled in the sand (John 8:6-11). We have no idea what He wrote. But when they continued asking Him, Jesus responded in one short sentence: “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first” (v.7). His few words accomplished much in confronting the Pharisees with their own sin, for they walked away one by one. Even today those words resound around the world.
Jesus had such a closeness to and dependence on His Father that He said of Himself, “Whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak” (12:50). Oh, that we had such a relationship with our Father that we knew how to respond with His wisdom!
Perhaps it begins with obeying James’ challenge to be “swift to hear, slow to speak” (1:19). This is not the slowness of ignorance, emptiness, timidity, guilt, or shame. But the slowness of wisdom born of dwelling quietly on the Lord and His thoughts.
We’re often told to stop and think before we speak. But I think we should take it much further and live a life where we’re always listening for God’s wisdom.
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Listen to God before you speak for God. (RBC)
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