In the annals of US advertising history, one of the most efficient
slogans ever is the California milk producers’ two-word question, “Got milk?”
With that phrase, the group captured almost everyone’s attention. In surveys,
the slogan was recognized by more than 90 percent of the people polled.
If “Got milk?” is so good at reminding people to drink “cow juice,”
perhaps we can create some two-word slogans to remind ourselves to live more
godly lives. Let’s turn to James 4 and try it. This passage gives four specific
1. Give in! Verse 7
tells us to submit to God. Our sovereign God loves us, so why not let Him run
the show? Submission helps us resist the devil.
2. Get close! Verse 8 reminds
us of the value of drawing near to God. It’s up to us to close the gap between
us and God.
3. Clean up! Verse 8
also reminds us to make sure our hearts are clean. That happens through
confessing our sins to God.
4. Get down! James says we
need to be humble before God (v.10). That includes viewing our sin as something
to weep over.
Give in! Get close! Clean up! Get down! These pairs of words may not
look as good on a T-shirt as “Got milk?” But they sure will look good on us.