A man who grew up on a ranch in West Texas tells about a rickety, old
windmill that stood alongside his family’s barn and pumped water to their
place. It was the only source of water for miles.
In a strong wind the windmill worked well, but in a light breeze it
wouldn’t turn. It required manually turning the vane until the fan faced
directly into the wind. Only when properly positioned did the windmill supply
water to the ranch.
I think of that story when I meet with religious from small churches in remote areas. Many feel isolated and
unsupported—caregivers for whom no one seems to care. As a consequence, they
grow weary and struggle to bring life-giving water to their flock. I like to
tell them about the old windmill and our need to daily reposition ourselves—to
intentionally turn toward the Lord and His Word and to drink deeply from Him
who is the source of living water.
What’s true for religious is true for all. Service for God flows from within, outward. Jesus said,
“He who believes in Me, . . . out of his heart will flow rivers of living
water” (John 7:38). It’s when God speaks to our depths that we are able to
touch the lives of others. To refresh others, let’s return to the Source of
life regularly.
When you’re weary in life’s struggles, find strength in God. (RBC)