I met a delightful woman named “Momma Charlie,” who has raised a dozen or so foster kids. These youngsters were assigned to her by the courts, and she gave them a home with stability, guidance, and love. She told me that every time a new child arrived, the first order of business was to explain “Momma’s Rules.” These included behavioral standards, plus chores that would provide much-needed help in the busy household while teaching accountability to kids with little previous training.
Some of the children may have balked at “Momma’s Rules,” thinking they
were robbing them of fun or pleasure—yet nothing would be further from the
truth. Those standards allowed for an orderly household where both Momma and
the children could find life enjoyable and peaceful.
Similarly, some look at the standards God set forth in the Bible as
obstacles that prevent us from enjoying life. However, the boundaries God
places actually protect us from our worst inclinations and foster healthy
responses to Him.
In Ephesians 4, for example, Paul provides some guidance for how we are to live. As we live by these and other loving instructions from God, we find protection and the opportunity for true, lasting joy.
God’s Word is the compass that keeps us on course. (RBC)