Roger lost his job due to
the company being downsized. For months he searched, applied for jobs, prayed,
asked others to pray, and trusted God. Roger and his wife Jerrie’s emotions
fluctuated though. They saw God provide for them in unexpected ways and
experienced His grace, but sometimes they worried that a job would never come.
For 15 long months, they waited.
Roger had three interviews with a company, and a week later the employment
agency called and said, “Have you heard the saying, ‘Sometimes clouds have a
silver lining’? Well, you’ve got the job!” Jerrie told me later, “We wouldn’t
trade this hard experience for anything. It brought us closer together and
closer to the Lord.” Friends who had prayed rejoiced and gave thanks to God.
wanted the Corinthian church to see the grace of God at work in his life, which
could cause “thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God” (2 Cor. 4:15). His
trials were so severe that he was “hard pressed on every side,” “perplexed,”
“persecuted,” and “struck down” (vv.8-9). Yet he encouraged the people not to
lose heart in troubles (v.16) but to trust God. During our difficulties, we can
be drawn nearer to God and others, as Roger and Jerrie experienced, and praise
will go to the Lord for His grace.
no better time to praise God than right now. (RBC)