A number
of Bible stories center on waiting: Abraham waiting for a child (Gen. 12–21).
The Israelites waiting for deliverance from Egypt. Prophets waiting for the
fulfillment of their own predictions. The disciples waiting for Jesus to act
like the powerful Messiah they anticipated. Jesus’ final words at the end of
Revelation are “I am coming quickly,” followed by an urgent, echoing prayer,
“Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” (22:20). For this, we still wait.
the question I ask myself: As we wait, why are we so often fearful and anxious?
We can, like the Allied prisoners, act on the good news we say we believe. What
is faith in God, after all, but believing in advance what will only make sense
in reverse?
tries our faith and so we wait in hope. (RBC)