When I
was growing up, we often sang a song
that went like this: “God is good to me! God is good to me! He holds my
hand and helps me stand! God is good to me!”
I need to
say right away that I believe God is good and He takes delight in doing good
things for people. He does indeed hold our hand in times of trouble and helps
us stand against the onslaught of life’s difficulties. But I wonder if you’ve
ever asked yourself, Why is He good? It certainly is not because we
deserve it or because He feels the need to buy our love and allegiance with His
psalmist prays for God to bless him so that “[the Lord’s] way may be known on
earth, Your salvation among all nations” (Ps. 67:2).
God’s daily blessings are proof positive that He is indeed a good God who cares
for His own. But how will our world know this about God if we never praise Him
for His goodness to us? (v.3).
So, the
next time God blesses you, be sure to look for ways to appropriately give Him
the credit. Consuming His blessings without communicating His goodness
shortchanges the very purpose of His gifts of grace in our lives.
God is
good—make sure the people in your world know what He has done in your life. (RBC)