wrote to a group of believers who were struggling with being patient for Jesus’
return (James 5:7). They were living under exploitation and distressing times,
and James encouraged them to “set the timer of their temper” for the long run.
Challenging these believers to persevere under suffering, he tried to stimulate
them to stand firm and to live sacrificially until the Lord returned to right
every wrong. He wrote: “Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at
hand” (v.8).
called them to be like the farmer who waits patiently for the rain and the
harvest (v.7) and like the prophets and the patriarch Job who demonstrated
perseverance in difficulties (vv.10-11). The finish line was just ahead and
James encouraged the believers not to give up.
When we
are being tried in a crucible of distress, God desires to help us continue
living by faith and trusting in His compassion and mercy (v.11).
The way
to great patience is through great trials. (RBC)