When my father built a covered porch on the front of our house, he
anticipated that someday a bird might try to build a nest there. So he built
the top of the corner post on a slant. Later we laughed smugly when we saw
robins trying their best to claim squatting rights to a new home. Piles of
grass on the porch revealed their wasted efforts. But after 2 days of steady
rain, we saw that a nest had indeed appeared in the very spot we thought was
impossible. Because of the rain, Mrs. Robin was able to mix up a batch of mud
mortar. Weaving it with twigs and grass, our determined feathered friend had
built herself a new nest. She had persevered.
Perseverance is inspiring! Trying to live a Christ-honoring life while
experiencing hardship can leave us frustrated and discouraged. But when we
depend on God to help us through our difficulties, we are empowered to keep
going even when we can’t always see the resolution of our problems. Galatians
6:9 reminds us not to grow “weary while doing good” and encourages us not to
give up.
Is our loving God using a seemingly insurmountable challenge in your
life to produce perseverance? Let Him produce in you character, and through
character, hope (Rom. 5:3-4).

When the world says, “Give up,” hope whispers, “Try it one more time!” (RBC)