The story
is told of a young preacher named Augustus Toplady, who was taking a walk
through the English countryside when a sudden storm swept across the landscape.
Toplady spotted a wide rock formation with an opening—a cleft—where he sought
shelter until the storm passed. As he sat out the deluge, he contemplated the
connection between his shelter and God’s help in life’s storms.
He had no
paper to write on but found a playing card on the floor of the cavelike
structure and began to write the words to the beloved hymn “Rock of Ages.”
on that stormy day in 1775, this hymn has been a source of strength for
Christians ever since.
Think of
your struggles. Do you need a place to hide? Do you need Someone to shelter you
from life’s assaults? Do you need the assurance that you’ve been forgiven? As
Toplady experienced, we can find shelter and assurance in God.
stand out in life’s storms alone. Seek God’s shelter. Ask Him to protect you.
Make sure you have received His forgiveness. Get close to the Rock of Ages.
It’s life’s safest spot.
When the
world around you is crumbling,
God is the rock on which you can stand. (RBC)
God is the rock on which you can stand. (RBC)