It isn’t
just the elderly who can feel lonely and forgotten. In fact, many of us feel
trapped and alone, set aside by circumstances fair and unfair. Sometimes we
even experience what the Old Testament character Joseph did: people failing to
remember us when there’s every reason they should.
40 describes Joseph’s experiences as he’s trapped in prison. The cupbearer had
been freed and returned to the king’s service, just as Joseph told him would
happen (vv.9-13). Joseph had asked to be mentioned to Pharaoh, but the
cupbearer forgot him (vv.14,23).
We may
feel forgotten. Yet, like Joseph, we are not (42:9-13). Jesus sits at the right
hand of God, and our prayers reach the throne of the King without fail because
our Savior is our Mediator. When we feel alone, let’s remember to rest in the
confidence of Jesus’ promise to be with us forever (Matt. 28:20).
God never
abandons or forgets His own. (RBC)